Some links to other monasteries in our tradition, and other websites you may find useful...
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
A sister monastery to Hartridge situated at the eastern end of the Chiltern Hills near Hemel Hempstead in south-east England. It is the largest Theravada monastery in Britain and has both an extensive programme and facilities. |
Chithurst Buddhist Monastery
A larger sister monastery of Hartridge, in West Sussex. It is also known as Cittaviveka and was established in 1979 by Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho, who was the first abbot. |
The Forest Sangha
This Forest Sangha website serves as a portal to an association of branch monasteries of Wat Pah Pong in NE Thailand. This worldwide community of monasteries grew out of the first generation of Western disciples of Venerable Ajahn Chah. The website aims to support the free distribution of teachings (both audio and books) from this tradition. |
Access to Insight is a popular Theravada Buddhist website providing access to a huge collection of translated texts from the Tipitaka, as well as contemporary materials published by the Buddhist Publication Society and many teachers from the Thai Forest Tradition.